Arctic affairs are becoming ever more geopolitically important. The impact of climate change, security issues and rivalries is growing, as is the need for cooperation and multilateral agreements. A safe, stable, sustainable, peaceful and prosperous Arctic is important not just for the Arctic itself, but also for the European Union and actually for the whole world.
- diplomaattinen edustusto
- keskiviikko 17. helmikuuta 2021 klo 10:00 - 11:00 (CET)
Käytännön tietoa
- Milloin
- keskiviikko 17. helmikuuta 2021 klo 10:00 - 11:00 (CET)
- Kielet
- suomi
The European Union is updating its Arctic policy this year, focusing on three aims: to preserve the Arctic as a region of peaceful cooperation; to slow down the effect of climate change; and to support the sustainable development of the Arctic region to the benefit of future generations.
The European Commission Representation in Finland is organising a webinar on EU’s Arctic strategy on Wednesday, 17 February at 10 am (Finnish time). The keynote speaker is Michael Mann, Special envoy for Arctic matters in the European External Action Service. The keynote speech is followed by a panel discussion with Michael Mann, Petteri Vuorimäki, Finland’s Ambassador for Arctic and Antarctic Affairs and Timo Koivurova, research professor at the University of Lapland. The discussion is moderated by the Representation’s Head of Communication, Ismo Ulvila.
You can also discuss the topic in social media using #EUarctic.
The webinar is organised in Webex.