- elpymis- ja palautumistukiväline | NextGenerationEU
- perjantai 15. marraskuuta 2024 klo 08:45 - 12:15 (EET)
Käytännön tietoa
- Milloin
- perjantai 15. marraskuuta 2024 klo 08:45 - 12:15 (EET)
- Missä
- Eurooppasali, Malminkatu 16, Helsinki
- Kielet
- englanti
- Verkkosivusto
- Keskustelutilaisuuden striimauslinkki
EU:n elpymis-ja palautumistukiväline (Recovery and Resilience Facility, RRF) on elinkaarensa toisella puoliskolla. Samalla kun täytäntöönpano Suomessa ja muualla EU:ssa etenee, kiihtyy keskustelu Euroopan kilpailukyvystä, joka on myös korkealla tulevan komission agendalla. Miten edistää kilpailukykyä, kasvattaa tuottavuutta ja tukea tutkimusta, kehitystä ja innovointia Suomessa ja EU:ssa? Mikä on Suomen elpymis-ja palautumissuunnitelman rooli tässä ja miten tästä eteenpäin?
Euroopan komissio, valtiovarainministeriö, opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö, työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, Business Finland ja Suomen Akatemia järjestävät 15. marraskuuta klo 9.00–12.30 Eurooppasalissa (Malminkatu 16, Helsinki) englanninkielisen tapahtuman, jossa keskustellaan näistä teemoista. Tilaisuutta voi seurata striimin kautta.
Ohjelma / Programme
8:45 Arrival
9:00 Welcome and opening of the event
- Ms Maria BLÄSSAR, Head of European Commission Representation in Helsinki
9:10-9:30 State of play of the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility and the Finnish Recovery and Resilience Plan
In this session, the representatives from Finland and the Commission will share their insights into the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and the Finnish Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) that has progressed over their halfway, and look forward to the next steps.
- Ms Marketta HENRIKSSON, Director, Secretariat for EU Affairs at the Ministry of Finance
- Ms Marie DONNAY, Director, Recovery and Resilience Task Force, European Commission
9:35-10:25 Panel 1: Ecosystems driving research, development and innovation
The Finnish RRP supports RDI in many ways with the objective of contributing to strengthening RDI intensity, raising the share of R&D expenditure in Finland from 2.9% (2019) to 4% of GDP by 2030 and increasing the ambition level of RDI. In this session, the recipients of RRF funding together with the Commission representative discuss in particular the role of ecosystems in harnessing the potential of green and digital transition.
- Ms Marina HEINONEN, Professor, Climate smart food and nutrition Research Infrastructure FOODNUTRI
- Ms Sirpa JALKANEN, Professor, Turku Immunology Centre
- Mr Matti MALKAMÄKI, Founder, Chairman of the Board, Hycamite
- Mr Kenneth WIDELL, Senior Project Manager, Wärtsilä
- Ms Marie DONNAY, Director, Recovery and Resilience Task Force, European Commission
- Moderator: Mr Jyrki ALKIO, Industrial Counsellor, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
10:30-10:40 “Making it real – NGEU supporting projects that make a difference”
10:40-11:10 Coffee break
11:15-12:00 Panel 2: Closing the gap: how to boost RDI and productivity
RDI are important drivers of competitiveness, productivity and people’s well-being, and they are key to green and digital transitions. In this session, the representatives of key ministries from Finland and Estonia, funding agencies, industry and the Commission discuss the policies and funding to boost RDI and productivity.
- Mr Jarmo HEINONEN, Senior Director, Energy, Bioeconomy and Built Environment, Business Finland
- Ms Ulla HEINONEN, Director, Green growth, Confederation of Finnish Industries
- Ms Erika LILJA, Senior Science Adviser, Research Council of Finland
- Mr Joonas PÄRENSON, Director of the Strategy Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia
- Mr Luc THOLONIAT, Director, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission
- Moderator: Ms Riina VUORENTO, Counsellor of Education, Ministry of Education and Culture
12:00-12:15 Closing of the event
- Mr Luc THOLONIAT, Director, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission
- Ms Laura VARTIA, Financial Counsellor, Ministry of Finance